Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dogfoose.com (Michael Kline)

Think of a long, strong stick (a lever). The stick is propped up on a small object (the fulcrum). Now imagine that you are holding one end of the stick and a heavy rock (the load) is on the other end. By pulling down (effort) on the stick, you will be able to lift the rock. In levers, the effort is applied at a different point from the load. And, the position of the fulcrum makes all the difference in the amount of effort (push or pull) that is needed to move a load. Ancient Greek scientist and engineer Archimedes once said “Give me a place to stand on, and with a lever I can move the whole world.” For more information on levers, see the Simple Machines issue of Kids Discover, now available on the iPad. 

Penguin Publishing has just released book 4 of the series The Doodles of Sam Dibble, entitled Abra-Ca Doodle. Sam’s school is having a talent show to raise money to save the local Environmental Center. All the kids are excited, except for Sam–he doesn’t have a talent to perform. But Sam learns that sometimes you don’t have to look very far to discover what you’re really good at! Illustrations courtesy of yours truly, and available at “finer” bookstores nationwide. (Mmmph!) Enjoy the preview, and click the images for larger versions.

The Secret Life of Math by Anna McCallum. Cover design and illustration by Michael Kline.


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